Komplet koledarjev za leto 2025 / Bundle of calendars for 2025

Komplet obeh koledarjev za leto 2025.

Bundle of both illustrated calendars for year 2025.

60,00 €
51,00 €

Podrobneje o izdelku

Komplet manjšega koledarja (z ilustracijami 13x18 cm) in velikega koledarja ( z ilustracijami 21x30 cm) za leto 2025. Manjši je inspiracijo našel v trenutkih in občutku prisotnosti, večji pa živalskih protagonistih, ki predstavljajo rituale skrbi zase.


Bundle of illustrated callendars for year 2025. Smaller one, with dimensions 13x18cm (illustrations), and bigger, with illustrations size 21x30 cm. Smaller one found inspiration in being present. This calendar not only celebrates the beauty of being present but also encourages a daily practice of mindfulness and gratitude throughout the year! Bigger one is inspired with self care routines shown with  animal protagonists and also encourages us with self care rituals.