Mali koledar za leto 2025

13 ilustracij, ki predstavljajo prisotnost, kot željo in namen za leto 2025

13 illustrations, which illustrate feeling of being present, as main wish and goal for 2025

21,00 €
21,00 €

Podrobneje o izdelku

Manjši koledar za leto 2025 -  Biti prisoten

Je našel inspiracijo v občutku prisotnosti, ki je tudi največja želja zame in za vas v prihodnjem letu. Naj bo to prisotnost v trenutku, odnosu, skrbi zase, prisotnost pri osebnem napredku, projektu… tukaj in zdaj. Ilustracije so nastale v moji običajni, kombinirani tehniki - kombinaciji ročne in digitalne risbe.  Format koledarja je 13,5 x 30 cm 13 listov povezanih z luknjico, na katero ga obesiš. Zajema 12 ilustracij v dimenziji 13x 18 cm , ki jih po koncu meseca/ leta lahko ookviriš. Koledar je tiskan na 300g papir. Vsak koledar prejme tudi voščilnico. Prednaročila potekajo do 4.11, prav tako popust velja za večje količine in ob naročilu poslovnih daril. 

Smaller Calendar 2025 - To be present

I found inspiration in a feeling of being "present" - in a moment, things I do, relationships etc. This is also my wish for you in the year 2025. This calendar not only celebrates the beauty of being present but also encourages a daily practice of mindfulness and gratitude throughout the year! Illustrations were created in my usual, combined technique - a combination of hand and digital drawing. The format of the calendar is 13.5 x 30 cm, 13 sheets connected with a hole on which you hang it. It contains 12 illustrations measuring 13x18 cm, which you can frame after the end of the month/year. The calendar is printed on 300g paper. Each calendar also comes with a greeting card. Pre-orders are available until 4.11, the discount also applies to larger quantities and when ordering business gifts.


ps: koledarji bodo odposlani predvidoma po 15.11 / calendars will be shipped after 15.